Monday, May 16, 2011

Journey to Haiti: Day Two

Today most of us woke up when the sun rose at about 5 am. We were not scheduled to head off until 8:30 so we got to hang out this morning and drink some good Haitian coffee. When we got on the road, I was no longer afraid of anything else. If we could make it through the streets with that driving we could do anything. If there was any space between cars, I mean ANY, someone was cutting in there. The best part, a horn is a "courtesy" thing; I could get used to that! :) 

The first thing we did was visit an orphanage. For those that know me, this was the best place in the world for me. The kids totally took care of each other. They loved each other. One boy, Junior, was given a Life Saver and he bit it in half to give to another boy. It was so precious to see their genuine care for each other. I think we could learn something from them. We got to love on these children. There was nothing more precious than to see them smile and have such a great time because someone was paying them some attention. They loved taking pictures and seeing themselves. They probably would have done this for hours if we had a never ending supply of batteries. This orphanage is in need of supplies: paper, glue, crayons, scissors etc.

We went to another orphanage. What a devastation. The orphanage had broke out in cholera. One boy, Michael, is really sick. He was throwing up blood. Please pray for him. He is six years old and in very poor condition prior. Two other children are showing some symptoms as well. At the orphanage we did not get to play with children. We cleaned everything. All of the clothes, mattresses, toys, and books were contaminated. We had to sort through clothes that we should be kept or throw away. The mattresses were in such poor condition that we had to burn them, along with a lot of the clothing because of wear and roach infestation. Please pray that the orphanage can get back to operating condition. The new mattresses will be coming in tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow we will be going into one of the tent cities into an orphanage. Please pray for us as we grow attached to the children and have to leave them in the conditions that they are. Pray that God uses us to show His love to these people. It's so easy for us to grow unattached to the rest of the world because of the wonderful condition and luxuries we live in. Pray that God sends the right people, supplies, and love to Haiti. They door is wide open. I hope you are open as well to the leading of God's call. 

I will leave you with this verse that just resonated in me today.
Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows. Isaiah 1:17

1 comment:

  1. Praying for ya'll...sounds like the need is great. Take care & may God bless...
