Sunday, May 15, 2011

Journey to Haiti: Day One

What a day! I woke up this morning, with my wonderful husband, at 4:30am. Got things together, said good-bye to family and off we went to the airport. Of course, I had coffee in hand. I needed it after yesterday, the whole graduation thing and all. 

We got through Atlanta security in record time and boarded our plane. We had a lay over in Miami where we got to talk to Elizabeth. She is a 25 year old Haitian women. She was visiting the states for her cousin's first communion. She was skeptical about our trip to Haiti. She didn't think we cared about anyone as a person; we were just going over to do some things and leave. We talked to her and really communicated that we cared. Craig shared the gospel with her too, totally cool.

We boarded the plane and landed in Port Au Prince, Haiti. The flight was really quick. Getting through immigration wasn't bad. In fact, the attendant there asked me if this was my first time in Haiti. Then again I ran into a person who was skeptical. He asked if I was ever going to come back. I guess with everyone in and out of the country so often they are just skeptical. 

Everyone wanted to carry our bags. Talk about an over load of people! When we were driving to our place, kids were banging on the car asking for things, probably money. I would have given them the world.

When we arrived at the guest house, there were several young children. In fact, there were two sets of twins. One set is five months old. The mother is staying here until the babies' adoption is finalized on the Haiti end. The selfless heart that she has for her children. Keeping them for five months, plus more to come, until the people from New York can get the adoption finalized. Not to mention they were so tiny! The other set of twins were 11 months old. They only weighed 10 and 12 pounds. 

Seeing all of the children, orphans at that, broke my heart. I'm sure that Josh and I would take as many home as possible--if it were only that easy. 

Tomorrow we're going to a children's home. I can't wait. Check in tomorrow night for another update! Pictures to come tomorrow too!


  1. i can't wait to read more!! it's going to be a great trip!

  2. Whitney, I could not wait to get a moment to come and check your blog tonight. Please know that there are so many of us praying for your group. When you blog, can you please let us know what, specifically, we can pray for you about? Much love to the FCC group and all those you are reaching for the sake of the Gospel! In Him, Don and Shari Dickerson
